Monday 18 April 2016

Hope in a Ballet Shoe by Michaela and Elaine DePrince

Orphaned by war. Saved by Ballet.
Born in Sierra Leone, Michaela DePrince loses her parents to war, famine and poverty. She is sent to an orphanage where she was beaten and starved. She sees her teacher murdered right infront of her, by rebels. All before she was five years old!

But there is still hope!

Michaela discovers a magazine showing a young woman dancing on the front cover. "One day" she thinks "I want to be this happy". Good news arrives, an American family wants to adopt her!

This is Michaela DePrince's true story!

Image result for hope in a ballet shoe

1 comment:

  1. I think I might of seen a ballet documentary on this girl can't wait to start reading!
