Monday 14 November 2016

Something Secret by Gwyneth Rees

Laura thinks she knows her Mum pretty well, since it has only been them since her Dad left.
But when her Mum brings home a Boyfriend, and worse starts acting strangely, Laura knows she is keeping something from her. But what?
Laura starts thinking the secret is worse than she thought!

I recommend this book for girls aged 9+.

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The Truth about Celia Frost by Paula Rawsthorne

Celia Frost has spent her entire life ruled by a rare disorder that means she could bleed to death from the slightest cut, confining her to a bubble of loneliness. No Friends. No Fun. No Life

But when a knife attack on Celia has a strange result. Celia and her Mum are on the run again. But from who?

I recommend this book for boys and girls aged 11+.

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Friday 16 September 2016

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

The Others are coming! They are coming to invade us, to take our planet!
After the 1st Wave only darkness remains, after the 2nd, it was only a lucky escape, after the 3rd, an  UNlucky escape and finally after the 4th. Trust NO-one

Now it's only the last few humans left on Earth, and Cassie Sullivan is one of them. Running through the ruins of planet Earth. Scared of the sight of any other survivor. Cassie is suspicious though. Something is going on, and she is going to find out!!

I recommend this book for boys and girls aged 11+.

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The Earth is Singing by Vanessa Curtis

This is the story of  Hanna. A fifteen year-old Jewish Latvian. She lives with her mother and grandmother, her father is missing, taken by the Russians. And above all that she is training to be a dancer. But none of that is important anymore. The Nazis are coming and Hanna is a Jew, and too them nothing else matters.

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Saturday 3 September 2016

Faceless by Alyssa Shienmel

Maisie has been in an accident, a very bad accident. One that has caused her to have a one-of-a-kind operation. A face transplant!! Maisie isn't sure that she wants a different face, a different chin, a different nose and even different sense of taste. Follow Maisie through her difficult journey of learning to live with her new self.

I recommend this book for girls aged 11+.

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Monday 15 August 2016

Pink Chameleon by Fiona Dunbar

Rory and Elsie's creative parents have gone missing, and they have now been put under the guardianship if their awful Uncle and Aunt. They also have to live at the boring, strict old boarding school Poker Beaut Hall. Bu the sisters are determined to escape from their uncle and find out the truth behind their parents disappearance!

I recommend this book for girls aged 9+.

 Front Cover

Monday 27 June 2016

This Star Won't Go Out: The life and words of Esther Grace Earl by Esther Earl

The life and words of Esther Grace Earl, an internet vlogger, online personality, a Nerdfighter as well an activist in the Harry Potter alliance. Esther's final letters, diary entries, photos all documented in this book.

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The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau

Ever since The Seven Stages of War, our country has been left as charred wasteland. Every year The United Commonwealth invite top graduates of each colony to attend The Testing. Successful candidates will go to the University to help the Government rebuild the War stricken world.

The Testing, Book 1 Book Poster Image

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix

Jonah and Chip discover that they are receiving threatening letters regarding their adoptions. Then they start witnessing stuff they have never seen before, people disappearing, a list in Jonahs file saying "survivors", something is up!

With the help of Jonah's sister Katherine, they uncover that huge conspiracy that reaches from the far past into the very distant future!!

Recommended for boys and girls aged 11+.

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Life according to Alice B. Lovely by Karen McCombie

Edie Evans is sick of being treated like a kid and she doesn't need a babysitter. But then along comes the unusual, the unique Alice B. Lovely. A babysitter spinning her captivating tales and coming up with suprising entertainment, Alice B. Lovely is the best babysitter ever!

Recommended for girls aged 8+.

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